It’s one of those days where I set my intentions for
y: positivity, clarity, hope, love, joy, peace, discipline, collaboration, community, etc. Yet deep within my subconscious thinking I recognize I can only control my intention. We live in a world where at any given moment while you’re at school, the movies, shopping, a concert, a festival, driving, being pulled over, whatever/where ever your life may be interrupted or ended due to gun violence or unfortunately police brutality (I must note not all police officers are corrupt. I know a lot, actually most of the ones I know, who are amazing). The climate of our country, the hopelessness of people and the unbelievable gun laws and gun access have reached an alarming concern coupled with a need for for significant change.
Each day I post a note of encouragement yet today I felt half full. I’m pushing myself to walk in all the intentions that I have set and I’m grieving for those who have lost their lives even when they set ordinary intentions for their days. I’m hopeful that a change will come. I’m sure that within my reach there will be some things I can do. Yet today as pictured I’m halfway on gray. My heart is full of prayers and my eyes are full of tears.