ACCELERATE. Accelerate Is defined as increase or to hasten the progress or development of. Each year I carefully select a word that will catapult my next season. This year I recognize that I have an abundance for seed in the ground that will be sprouting, growing and ready to harvest at any given moment. When it manifests I will be in position to live off of the fruit of my labor. As I posted the pieces of my word on my timeline I fully understood that a person may not recognize what is happening but I knew a was change was coming......
When change is in progress, the middle doesn’t always look like what the end will become.
When in the midst of change and you feel like you hit rock bottom, there is only one direction to proceed UP!
When analyzing change and the complexities of adjustments the puzzle pieces don’t always make sense. You will hold a key without knowing the door it opens.
As the puzzle pieces begin to converge a clarity of vision unfolds. The picture of change is never entirely understood and should it ever be?
Change requires patience. Often we set our intentions to make significant life adjustments but fail to recognize that the other players involved can impact the outcome we predicted.
Whomever is involved in the change can cause a setback. However setbacks have a way of jump starting a new mindset. Repeat when in the midst of change and you feel like you hit rock bottom, there is only one direction to proceed UP! Didn’t you know that getting up is simply a COMEBACK.
Change is simply a bridge that allows you to pass from the old to the new. It’s a conversation of two worlds. In order to embrace the unknown ways of change you must understand what you left behind.