Do you need to see anything BUT the CV19? Well I’m back in my closet playing with shoes, bags, jewelry and clothes. I love fashion. I love supporting small businesses. Honestly this societal pause has pushed me to do something I’ve had on my vision board for a couple of years. I was waiting for the perfect time. Everything I needed to do it I already had. I was waiting for the perfect branding. Honestly I don’t know why because I’m a get it done woman. Well enjoy. I’m having THEEEEE best time on my shopping fast. I get to shop my own store (you’ll see the treasures DON’T JUDGE) #fashionista #faithandfashion #shoppingfast #endconsumerism #melaninmagic #liveyourdash #liveyourbestlife #blazeatrail #leaveamark@bedbathandbeyond @qvc @guess @target @jessicasimpson @freepeople @gabunion @nyandcompany @bananarepublic @nordstromrack @miss_voltaire @mrs.awalton @zendaya @izzyandliv @zara @justfabonline @whbm @oprahmagazine
Back In the Closet
Updated: Mar 24, 2020